SIGGRAPH Thesis Fast Forward 2024

SIGGRAPH Thesis Fast Forward

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SIGGRAPH Thesis Fast Forward 2024

The program

The Siggraph Thesis Fast Forward is adapting to allow as many students as possible to participate!

The SIGGRAPH Thesis Fast Forward is a unique forum for Ph.D. students in computer graphics to present their great research. This year, submitters should prepare a 3-minutes video that summarizes their Ph.D. topic and results. The submitted videos will be assembled and published online, it is not required to attend SIGGRAPH or SIGGRAPH Asia to participate.

We are planning to organise a physical event at SIGGRAPH 2024, during which the submitters who can attend the conference will have a chance to present their fast forward in person.

Who can submit?

Any computer graphics student who expects to graduate in the next ~1.5 years or graduated less than a year ago!

Why submit?

The SIGGRAPH thesis fast forward is a unique platform to advertise your work.
It is also an important exercise of scientific communication and the opportunity to discuss your presentation, work and future directions with established senior researchers.

Submission process

Please upload a link to your 3-minutes video by October 1st, 2023 and fill in the following form: Form to fill out

Review process

Senior researchers will review the submitted videos and provide feedback. Submitters and reviewers are free to perform several iterations on the video before submitting the final version.


For any question please don’t hesitate to contact


Chair: Valentin Deschaintre
Technical Producer: Michael Fischer

Members of the steering committee:


  • Olga Sorkine-Hornung
  • Hongbo Fu
  • Justin Solomon
  • Marc Alexa
  • Miika Aittala
  • Mathieu Desbrun
  • Holly Rushmeier
  • Maks Ovsjanikov
  • Daniel Ritchie

Previous Years: