Releasing Code for your SIGGRAPH Paper

by Nicholas Sharp This post is part of a series of guides on how to write your first ACM SIGGRAPH / TOG paper. You can find the other articles here. Your SIGGRAPH project has resulted in something new and exciting, congratulations! Releasing great open-source software is a crucial last step of sharing it with theContinue reading “Releasing Code for your SIGGRAPH Paper”

What are figures for and how do I compose them?

by Valentin Deschaintre This post is part of a series of guides on how to write your first ACM SIGGRAPH / TOG paper. You can find the other articles here. In this post we will go over why we make figures, different types of figures, what to put in different figures, how to make them, technicallyContinue reading “What are figures for and how do I compose them?”

Explanatory paper figures with Illustrator and Blender

by Ruben Wiersma, TU Delft This post is part of a series of guides on how to write your first ACM SIGGRAPH / TOG paper. You can find the other articles here. This guide will show you how you can create figures that are intended to explain and clarify ideas from your paper. High-quality figuresContinue reading “Explanatory paper figures with Illustrator and Blender”

Rendering a paper figure with Blender

There are a lot of great Blender tutorials online and they are usually aimed at artists or animators who want to generate full scenes from scratch for short films. These are really interesting topics, but they can be overwhelming if you are an academic and all you want is to render your object beautifully for a SIGGRAPH paper figure.

How do I write a compelling Introduction?

by Craig Reynolds This post is part of a series of guides on how to write your first ACM SIGGRAPH / TOG paper. You can find the other articles here. Some posts in this series cover a lot of technical detail. This one is less formal and more squishy, concentrating on stylistic issues for writingContinue reading “How do I write a compelling Introduction?”

Writing your first ACM SIGGRAPH / TOG paper

by the SIGGRAPH RCDC Research Guides Team You are about to write your first ACM SIGGRAPH / TOG research paper. Congratulations on making it all the way here! We know that this is a daunting task. There are a lot of moving parts to a successful paper submission and the required steps can often seemContinue reading “Writing your first ACM SIGGRAPH / TOG paper”